Modera Redmond
Redmond, WA
363,700 SF
Mill Creek Residential Trust
Two levels of parking with 1.5 levels underground
Rooftop deck with limited indoor kitchen plus outdoor BBQ
Two courtyards, indoor lounge with full kitchen, fitness room, movie screening room, meeting room
Bike station, automated package concierge
Finalist of 2020 Multi-Family Residential Suburban Development of the Year: More than 100 Units
Modera Redmond is a graceful and efficiently designed 300 unit multifamily building that maximizes both efficiency and tenant livability. The building’s unusual lowercase “y” plan resolved many of the site’s challenges and lent itself to a high unit count and a rich collection of amenities for tenants. Its unique shape and ingenious massing attractively fit 300 light-filled residential units, two sun-drenched courtyards, a full complement of amenities, and bi-level parking onto a tiny 1.8 acre footprint. With strategically placed courtyards and close attention to square footage and standardization, the building deftly balances circulation spaces, common areas, and rentable square footage with tenant delight and cost-effective construction. The front façade features five angular wave-like bay windows that balance the building’s size while offsetting its airy, light-filled lobby.